Sunday, October 16, 2011

Food, Inc.


  1. The way that Audrey explained the main theme of the film well made me very interested in “Food Inc.” She explained how the American Food Industry has many dirty secrets, and about how much the industry impacts American consumers, and the whole country in many ways. The pace of the film was very good. She neither spoke too fast nor too slow. While there were a couple stumbles in the presentation, it did not impact the information that she was presenting to the viewer. Audrey was very well informed on the topic that she was reporting, and appeared to not read off a her script from time to time, suggesting that she knew the material well enough. There were many very interesting facts about the documentary that were presented. The first is that the Food Industry makes up 80% of the market in the United States. This number is incredibly high, and should raise a few questions from people. If one industry is controlling such a high percent of the market, it is important to ask questions about what that industry is doing, and if that industry is positively impacting the economy and the citizens. Another important fact is the contribution of the McDonald’s Corporation on the food industry. The McDonald’s created their “burger, fries, shake” as part of a small restaurant thing. When they discovered that people loved the meal “plan” they brainstormed ways to mass produce their products, and make it cheaper. There were many consequences to this revolutionizing way of producing food. One of the consequences is that fact that in order to mass produce a product, it is usually necessary to genetically alter food. This causes many animal rights, health and environmental issues. Animals are given chemicals that cause them to grow bigger, and much quicker than they would naturally. For example, 50 years ago, chickens took 70 days to grow fully. Today, it takes 48 days, and the chickens are twice as big. As for health issues, the use of genetically altered food can cause diabetes, obesity, and increases the outbreaks of E. Coli in American consumers. Many animals live in close quarters, live in their own excrement, and have little breathing room. With little breathing room, and unsanitary conditions, the likelihood of an animal contracting a disease increases greatly. Genetically altering food has devastating implications for the environment. The amount of oil and crude resources used in the factories that produce food is very high and wasteful. This film had weaknesses and strength. One weakness was that the film did not provide an opinion from the “bad guys” of big food corporations, though that could hardly be helped, since many representatives from companies refused to be interviewed. One of the strengths that I saw in this film was how it explained that the food industry really does impact many aspects of American society, and can be the cause of multiple issues in this country. The issues it impacts are the environment, American health and how much it costs the health care system, animal rights, immigrant’s rights, and the rights of small farm owners. All in all, this documentary analysis was very informative, interesting, and well planned.

  2. Yes, the main theme of the film was given clearly. The main theme of Food Inc. was that it exposed the American food industry and all of the hidden aspects of it and how it is affect consumers. The movie goes through big corporation owned farms and how they are compromising health for profit. They talk about the meat industry, corn industry and how it contrasts with the natural, organic farms. The movie give example and interviews from people who are trying to change the way that food is being produced and create a healthier country because a wide variety of health problems stem from the current practices. The general pacing of the film was good. I could clearly understand and keep up with what Audrey was saying. The volume was also good. Audrey seemed very prepared and gave enough, specific commentary on the movie. I liked that the tone was natural and that it did not seem like it was read off a script but more from what she actually knew. One important fact that Audrey gave was that the way meat is produced in our country has changed a lot. Before the chickens were mainly from local farms and took a long time to grow. Now, because of the fast food industries, there is a large demand for mass amounts of meat. Therefore, chickens are being fed growth hormones to grow at fast rates and are kept in cramped cages. The farmers have their hands tied with these practices because they have large demands from food suppliers and need the money because many of them are in debt. A second fact that Audrey gave was that now corn is really cheap to grow and they are allowed by the government to over produce it. Cows are meant to naturally be fed grass but now since there is so much corn they feed it to the cows. Because cows are being fed all of this corn and are kept in inhumane living conditions there has been an outbreak of E. coli amongst meat. The meat industry is doing nothing to stop the production of meat in this way and it is harming Americans. The movie calls on the USDA to investigate the farms that have large E. coli outbreaks and shut them down .They give alternatives to smaller, organic farms that have very low microorganisms in their meat and are healthier for the citizens. The movie sounds very interesting. I am a huge advocate of natural foods and the vegan lifestyle so this movie seems like something that I would like to watch. The strengths to me seem that they give a lot of factual information about the food industry and they give a lot of different examples about the different aspects of it. I like that it makes it about how it is affecting people as well. There really doesn’t seem to have any weaknesses especially since the film tried to get interviews with representatives from the corporate meat industries. I thought it was very well done and I liked the enthusiasm and conclusions that Audrey made.


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